Easyjet Fearless Flyer – Conquer the Fear
Overall rating: 10/10!
Pros: Well organised, well priced, multiple locations, fantastic staff and it will succeed and you will get over your fear of flying!
Cons: The course takes place over two days so, if you need to travel far, factor in the cost of accommodation.
Link: Easyjet Fearless Flyer Course

For over fifteen years I have had a phobia of flying and since 2009 I have actively avoided travelling by plane. Holidays over this time have been limited to destinations reachable by train or car, mainly skiing in the French or Swiss Alps. Everyone knows flying is safe, even me, yet I struggled to get my head around why exactly it scared the c**p out of me. I ride a motorcycle, one of the most dangerous forms of transport on the planet so why was I unable to get myself aboard the safest?
In May 2015 my future wife and I were invited to a friends villa in Tuscany and there was no way I could refuse the offer to stay at the fabulous Casa Fede. The only sensible way to get there was to fly into Pisa airport from Stansted so it was with great trepidation that I booked the flights and began looking into ways to conquer my fear.
Google directed me to EasyJets Fearless Flyer Course and I bit the bullet and signed up. I took my course at Stansted where free parking was available for those on the course. I don’t want to ruin the experience by saying too much but needless to say I had a brilliant holiday in Tuscany.
I’ve since flown to Schiphol, Amsterdam with EasyJet for my father’s 60th, Shannon Airport, Ireland for a friend’s 30th and Hamburg, Germany with Ryan Air for work. Next year I’m flying to Dublin and whilst I have the normal concerns regarding security stress and flight delays I’m genuinely excited about the trip. Previously I’d be so anxious that I was unable to relax properly until after I had returned home! That is no way to live so if you, like past me, are unable to fly or have to drug up before hand or simply don’t enjoy it I wholeheartedly recommend joining countless EasyJet Fearless Flyer’s and signing up today!